I forgot the email address I used to sign in, what should I do?

If you have forgotten the email address linked to your account or you have lost access to it, there are several ways you can try to figure out the linked email.

Please note that we do not release any account information without being contacted from the linked email address, this includes which is the correct email.

Forgot your email

Here are the options if you have forgotten your email address:

Check the Settings page 

If you are still logged into your account or you still know your password, you can go to your settings page and see the linked email address displayed there.

Reset your password 

If you can successfully send yourself a password reset email, then you have figured out the linked email address. Emails will only be sent to an email address if they are linked to an account.

You can test if an email address is linked to an account by trying to send a password reset email to it.

  1. Go to english.pratilipi.com
  2. Click on Sign In in the upper right-hand corner
  3. Click on Forgot Password? (under the Sign In button)
  4. Enter the email address linked to your account
  5. Press on Reset password

If you receive the error message ‘User not found’ then there is no account linked to that email address. If you don't receive your reset password instructions in 24 hours, please contact Support and they can help you out.

Lost access to email account

If you have been logged out of your Pratilipi account, but remember your old email, please create a ticket below and the Support team will guide you through the process of accessing your account. Please note, we will be asking you questions that only the owner could know. Failure to provide valid answers means we will not be able to unlock your account.

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