How is Pratilipi Premium different from the Superfan Subscription program?

If you are getting confused between the two, let us tell you. Superfan subscription program is about:

  • Subscribing to your favourite writers to support them
  • Getting the superfan badge and your name in the list of superfans on the writer’s account
  • Unlock their on-going series under 5 days of early access
  • Access to future privileges such as Superfan exclusive chat rooms, live video conferences with your favourite writers, Ask me Anything with writers etc.

While with Pratilipi Premium subscription you can:

  • Get access to any content any time
  • Get access to all the latest episodes of ongoing series under Superfan subscription and additionally,
  • Unlock all the episodes of completed series under the premium section



No privileges that are available in the superfan subscription program but in the future, you can expect to get exclusive access to paid content via Pratilipi Premium and exclusive access to selective features open only for Premium subscriber

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