You can transfer your Earnings from Pratilipi to your bank account on a monthly basis. For this, you must have provided a valid bank account.
To add a bank account to your profile,
From Android:
- Tap the Coins icon from the homepage at the top right corner.
- Navigate to My Earnings section
- Click on Earnings history
- Click “Add Bank details to start earning” and follow the instructions.
My Earnings section can be found only if you have at least 1 INR in your earnings.
Bank details can be added to Pratilipi once your Earnings cross 50 INR. Kindly follow the on-screen instructions from App to add and validate your bank details.
Once you have added your bank details, you are eligible to take payouts on a monthly basis.
Pratilipi makes payouts to its authors within the first week of every month. Once the payout is made, you can check the Earnings history and scroll to Past Earnings and it will be updated as credited.