How to use the Let’s Discuss feature in Pratilipi?

Pratilipi discussion feature is an exclusive feature for our authors and readers where we post different questions from different genres, on a daily basis. You can put your valuable comments, thoughts or experience on the topic  and discuss the same with fellow members.

Discussions and constructive arguments have always been the core essence of our culture. We believe that irrespective of their age or profession, everyone has different knowledge and experience to share. Thus, one can use our daily discussion feature to share their thoughts and insights on daily topics with fellow members. Also by participating, he gets a chance to be enlightened with an accumulated knowledge shared by various people at the end of the day.

At the Pratilipi home page, if you scroll down a bit, you’ll see daily questions marked with different colours. Simply click on the day’s question and you will see options to post your own answer on the topic as well as like and comment on other members’ answers.

Post an interesting answer to get more likes and comments and participate daily to get more visibility as an author as thousands of people visit this tab daily. 

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