What to do with coins in Pratilipi?

Users can buy Stickers by using coins. This way users can support their favorite authors by providing Stickers. You can select the sticker you wish to give to the content or author. The coin value of the sticker will go to the author's account which will help them gain monetary rewards from that.

You can give stickers to the contents on the content's page by clicking on the ‘Support the content’ option or to the author by clicking on the ‘Support the author’ option on their account.

If you run out of coins you can either:

  • Buy coins from the ‘My coins’ section. You can click on the coins icon at the top of the app to go to the ‘My coins’ section.


  • Win coins if you take up the challenge of reading every day for certain days in sequence on Pratilipi’s Android application.

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